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dilantin hypersensitivity syndrome not “hypersensitivity”, but rather due to build up of a metabolite of the drug secondary to a genetic deficit in a metabolic enzyme


MF not “mycosis”, not “fungoides”


nevus depigmentosus not “depigmented”   (hypopigmented)


adenoma sebaceum:  neither adenomatous nor sebaceous  (= angiofibromas)


palisaded encapsulated neuroroma no real palisading, and no encapsulation


livedoid vasculitis a vasculopathy not a vasculitis


lupus pernio- not LE but sarcoid


keratosis follicularis not follicular


ecthyma contagiosum - a misnomer in a sense in that it is not contagious from person to person


ichthyosis linearis circumflexa - not "ichthyotic" at all; looks like flaky paint (like a superficial blister)


ichthyosis hystrix - may look "ichthyotic" but it is a systematized epidermal nevus




"granuloma" but not granulomatous:


pyogenic granuloma not granuloma, not pyogenic


granuloma faciale not granulomatous (called so on basis of color), but localized LCV


granuloma fissuratum - not granulomatous (aka acanthoma fissuratum)